March 20th was the first day of spring. I have heard the odd flock of geese flying in, and I even saw what I think was something green poking out of my garden bed, which I’m hoping is a tulip.

Spring is my favourite season and always feels way overdue after the long winter here in Canada. Right now, winter is still with us. As I write this today, March 24th, Toronto has, ” A Severe Winter Storm Warning” in effect.
Dismal, grey skies and freezing rain turning to snow.

It’s upside down: The old saying, March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb clearly doesn’t apply here this year.

The weather is whacky everywhere these days, but the one thing we can be sure of, no matter what, Spring will come, eventually; in it’s own good time.

To to celebrate that glorious moment when at last, the wind has been tamed, and the warmth of the sun reaches into our bodies, I created a mood board to remind me and you I hope, of my perfect spring gradually turning to summer.

Rose Quartz and Serenity are colours created by Pantone inspired by nature. The images I’ve chosen are inspired by the silliness and joy of whimsical design that seems to surface at this time of year. The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland comes to mind.

Look for the perfect outdoor entertaining space with upside down umbrellas in pastels over the table. And I love the upholstered armchairs sitting on a green lawn.

Everything from make up to clothing, to hair can be re-imagined with these colours. And then….there’s the shoes!

I hope you enjoy and are inspired by these images and by the beauty of the earth and sky and water on our
beautiful planet.

Happy Easter to all who celebrate this holiday. It is both a serious religious celebration, and for good measure, delicious chocolate easter eggs and bunnies to munch on.

Let’s celebrate this perfect season of renewal, and hope and beauty.